Home Care Assessment
The Roads Home Health is a Medicare Certified home health agency that provides health and personal care in a person’s home. Our services are used most by persons with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses and persons who are returning home from inpatient hospital stays. The Roads Home Health makes it possible for patients to leave the hospital so they can recover in the comfort of their own home rather than spend their recovery in a nursing home.
Our staff of compassionate and dedicated home care professionals brings over 85 years of combined clinical expertise to your service. Many of our staff members hold advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Their commitment to your recovery through quality care and state-of-the-art technology is at the core of the mission of The Roads Home Health.
Medicare and Homebound Criteria
- Medicare defines an individual as homebound if he/she:
- Is unable to leave the home due to an illness or injury,(not just due to weakness and feebleness or old age).
- Experiences a considerable and taxing effort to leave and is absent from the home infrequently, for a short duration, or to receive medical care.
- Requires the assistance of a device, other persons or special transportation.
- Homebound eligibilty is not affected by frequent absences from the home when the reason for leaving is to receive medical care, provided the home health services could not reasonably be provided by the other medical care providers.
- CMS was asked by Congress to refine the definition of Homebound status, and added the following information:
- The new definition explicitly allows absences from home to participate in “therapeutic, psychosocial or medical treatment in an adult-day-care program that is licensed and certified by a state.” Such violations will not be considered violations of the homebound criteria.
- Additional clarification includes that absences to attend religious services will be considered an “absence of infrequent or short duration,” and allowable under homebound defintion.
- An individual will NOT be considered homebound if he/she:
- Leaves the home frequently for social activites.
- Goes to a day care center for non-medical purposes or to a relative’s house part of the time (except alzheimer’s specific daycare centers).
- Leaves the home against physician’s orders, if this is done frequently or for long periods of time.
- Leaves the home for shopping or business on a regular basis.

Medicare services are intermittent meaning not everyday. Services are provided by healthcare professionals to help patients through a relatively short term recovery. While there are some situations where services can be continued for several 60 day periods of care, the healthcare professionals are only in the home 2-3 days per week, up to one hour per visit. Families and caregivers are still the primary source of long term care for their loved one at home. One of the most important duties of the home care professional staff is to instruct the “informal” caregivers with all the information and resources they need to successfully manage and care for their loved one at home.
Medicare will pay for home care visits when the following criteria have been met:
Your loved one must feel comfortable around, and get along well, with their caregiver. Feel free to let us know if there are any special requirements for your caregiver. We want your loved one to feel at ease with their Home Care Staff.